Tuesday, July 24, 2007

9th 500cal day Results

Ok, things are back on track. I was down 2.5 lbs from yesterday when I weighed myself this morning - 244. Looking back and analyzing the days I gained, I'm thinking 2 things happened. When I gained the 0.5 lbs, it was the morning after I ate out. I had grilled red snapper, but I thought that maybe they put some oil or butter on it before they grilled it, because it was more moist than I would have thought it would be just grilled. Should have specified no oil, etc. when I ordered.

The night before I gained 1.5 lbs, I had bison. I don't think it was the bison that made me gain, because I have lost 1.5 lbs the morning after eating beef. I think it was water retention probably - I added Montreal Steak seasoning to the bison burger, which contains course salt in it. I never add salt to anything, so this probably made me hold more water.

Live and learn....

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