Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 7, 4th 500cal day results - Down 1 more - 246

I was kind of hoping to have a big loss when I got up this morning, but I lost 1-lb. I am happy with that I guess. It's a little different to get disappointed when you lose 1-lb per day! I was really hungry last night for some much so that I nearly cheated. But I just kept drinking water instead.

Today was pretty good. I was a little hungry, but not horribly so - I think it's getting better. Even if not, it's worth it if you can lose a pound a day on average!

So far since I started the 500cal days, I have lost:
Day 1: 8 lbs
Day 2: 2 lbs
Day 3: 3 lbs
Day 4: 1 lb

I'm done with my eating for today, which is my 5th 500cal day (actually it ended up being 511cals today - I ate a whole grapefruit instead of a half, and I also had sirloin instead of chicken for the first time). We'll see what tomorrow's weigh-in brings... I'm a little nervous about tomorrow, because I weighed myself this evening and the scale shows 249. Hopefully it is all water and will be gone by morning!

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