Monday, August 6, 2007

22nd VLCD day - down to 238.5

I would be lower, but there are a few factors involved in this. Firstly, I was at 240 for a couple of years, so I have been hovering around this 'set point' I think for a few days - up, down, up, down. But I also had a few days where I didn't eat as I should (in other words, I ate more than I should, ate some things prepared at restaurants incorrectly for the diet, and I also ate some things that I shouldn't have). Travelling and also a few 'functions.'

Oh well. I'm still doing great, and people are starting to notice that I'm losing weight which is nice. Basically, in 22 days I have lost 21.5 pounds!

Today I 'm back on the diet strictly ... I'm ready to post some big numbers again. :)

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