Thursday, July 12, 2007

My HCG is here - 10 Days Exactly!

Well, I got home this evening and there was a slip in my mailbox that my hcg package is waiting for me to pick up at the Post Office tomorrow morning. I ordered from on July 1, and was notified it shipped on July 2 - not too bad! I'm very excited to get started.

So, starting tomorrow I will be eating like a madman for 2 days, then the dreaded 500cal days will start. I am so ready to get this going!


Weight Loss said...

I was wondering if the 500 calorie diet was effective? I opted for the injections and currently receiving treatment at a rejuvenation clinic. Before they decided on my dose, they did extensive bloodwork. How come most websites can sell HCG without requiring bloodwork?

Weight Loss said...

Amazing!Weight loss in 10 days?I do hope you're supplement is clinically tested.

highpoint08 said...

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